Shows begin when the number of visitors crosses 120, which may happen around 9.30 or 9.45 am. Entry is up to 10.30 am only. You can come here by 10:00 or 10:15. All those who come before 10.30 can see the show, but may have to wait for those who have come before them to finish.
Frequently asked questions
English | हिंदी | తెలుగు
Yes. We do not have regular shows only on 3 days of the year - 23 November, 24 April and 11 January. In case we have to suspend shows on some days due to unavoidable circumstances, notices will be put up on our website and entrance gate.
You can budget an hour or 90 minutes for your visit, including waiting, entry time, exit time, viewing the exhibits, and so on. Duration of the show is approximately half an hour.
Educational institutions and other groups with more than 120 members can arrange for special shows by contacting us at least 48 hours in advance. We are not permitted to arrange special screenings for smaller groups.
We need to ensure that two groups don’t ask for the same time slot on the same day. Also, we have many duties other than the screening of shows, and we need to set aside time for special screenings. If you do not let us know in advance, we may have other commitments which would prevent us from helping you.
We have a large number of shows. In the past, we had a system of headphones, and for certain shows, we had additional languages available. Currently, for regular shows, we are limited to English, Hindi and Telugu. If your group has more than 120 members, we can arrange for special shows if you contact us at least 48 hours in advance.
Many planetariums in India have a blanket ban on children under the age of 10. We have a more permissible policy. We permit young children to enter as long as they maintain silence and sit down quietly during the show. We expect visitors to co-operate with us by exiting with children who cry, make noise or create a disturbance. Our restrictions are: Visitors must maintain silence, and must switch off mobile phones and other gadgets in the Planetarium theatre.
Important Links:
Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust | Sri Sathya Sai Media Centre | Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning | Sri Sathya Sai Higher Secondary School | Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organization | Sri Sathya Sai Global Council | Sri Sathya Sai Centre for Human Values | Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vahini